All messages are encrypted not even Viber can see your messages at any point. It offers encrypted one-on-one conversations and group chats with the ability to set a timer for when you want specific messages to be deleted. The Viber app has a few primary services that make it stand out from other communication apps. Since its initial release and subsequent purchase, international interest in the app has significantly grown, and there are currently millions of active users on the platform. It was released in 2010, and its parent company was purchased in 2014 by the influential Japanese multinational e-commerce conglomerate Rakuten. Viber is a free-to-download encrypted messenger app, available on IOS, Android, WearOS, and computer devices – Linux, Windows, and macOS.

If you are trying to catch a vibe and see what is going on with the people around you or people you have similar interests with, consider Viber Messenger.